Many people still find inspiration in Gordon B Hinckley quotes and sayings. Hinckley was the president of the Mormon Church (officially called The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints), who lived from 1910 to 2008.
He was the oldest president, succeeding at the age of 84. Here is a selection of his best quotes and sayings…
Gordon B Hinckley Quotes
“Our lives are the only meaningful expression of what we believe and in Whom we believe. And the only real wealth, for any of us, lies in our faith.”
“Life is to be enjoyed, not endured”
“Parents have no greater responsibility in this world than the bringing up of their children in the right way, and they will have no greater satisfaction as the years pass than to see those children grow in integrity and honesty and make something of their lives.”
“Somehow forgiveness, with love and tolerance, accomplishes miracles that can happen in no other way.”
“There is no obstacle too great, no challenge too difficult, if we have faith.”
“In my 90 plus years, I have learned a secret. I have found that when good men and good women face challenges with optimism things will always work out! Despite how bad the circumstances may look at the moment, those with faith and move forward with a happy spirit will find that things always work out.”
“If you don’t stand for something you’ll fall for anything.”
“The learning process is endless. We must read, we must observe, we must assimilate, and we must ponder that to which we expose our minds… we cannot afford to stop learning and growing and progressing. We must not rest in our personal development – development that is emotional and spiritual as well as mental. There is so much to learn and so little time in which to learn it.”
“Go forward in life with a twinkle in your eye and a smile on your face, but with great purpose in heart.”
“Life is just like an old time rail journey… delays, sidetracks, smoke, dust, cinders, and jolts, interspersed only occasionally by beautiful vistas and thrilling bursts of speed. The trick is to thank the Lord for letting you have the ride.”
“Generally speaking, the most miserable people I know are those who are obsessed with themselves; the happiest people I know are those who lose themselves in the service of others… By and large, I have come to see that if we complain about life, it is because we are thinking only of ourselves.”
“You have not failed until you quit trying.”
“Never assume that you can make it alone. You need the help of the Lord. Never hesitate to get on your knees in some private place and speak with Him.”
“Keep your families close together, and love and honor your children.”
“The only way to get anything done is to get on your knees and plead for help and then get on your feet and go to work.”
“Now, there is much that we can and must do in these perilous times. We can give our opinions on the merit of the situation as we see it, but never let us become a party to words or works of evil concerning our brothers and sisters in various nations on one side or the other. Political differences never justify hatred or ill will. I hope that the Lord’s people may be at peace one with another during times of trouble, regardless of what loyalties they may have to different governments or parties.”
“It is a time to be considerate and good, decent and courteous toward one another in all our relationships. In other words, to become more Christlike.”
“Choose carefully and wisely. The girl you marry will be yours forever. You will love her and she will love you through thick and thin, through sunshine and storm. She will become the mother of your children. What greater thing in all this world can there be than to become the father of a precious child, a son or daughter of God, our Father in Heaven, for whom we are given the rights and responsibilities of mortal stewardship.”
“Our safety lies in repentance. Our strength comes of obedience to the commandments of God.”
“I am suggesting that as we go through life, we ‘accentuate the positive.’ I am asking that we look a little deeper for the good, that we still our voices of insult and sarcasm, that we more generously compliment and endorse virtue and effort.”
“Under the plan of heaven, the husband and the wife walk side by side as companions, neither one ahead of the other, but a daughter of God and a son of God walking side by side. Let your families be families of love and peace and happiness. Gather your children around you and have your family home evenings, teach your children the ways of the Lord, read to them from the scriptures, and let them come to know the great truths of the eternal gospel as set forth in these words of the Almighty.”
Quotes By Gordon B Hinckley
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